Nicole Creason


I decided to step up to the Treasurer role with NYS to help the club remain fiscally viable for current players, as well as to hopefully open up membership to a wider group of untapped players in the area. While I do not have experience playing soccer, I grew up playing on team sports and am a firm believer in their ability to teach valuable life skills and create lasting relationships and memories. My husband is a coach for Newberg Youth Soccer and two of my four children currently play on NYS teams.

I received a bachelors in Accounting and Finance from George Fox University and have been a community member of Newberg and Dundee for over 20 years. Formerly, I managed the finances of major projects for an international engineering and construction company for 10 years. Currently, I homeschool my children while also bookkeeping for a local small business, but spend most of my time as an official kid activity chauffeur. When not on the sidelines of a soccer field supporting my husband and children, you’ll find me tending to my garden on our property in Dundee, reading a book, or working on my latest craft.